Wednesday, 22 June 2016

End Sprint 3: Apple, Updates, And Paperwork

So with Sprint 3 coming to a close, there have been a few things that've happened this week.

Not exactly what I would've liked, but I'm going to roll with it.

Let's Start With The Apple

I recently updated my Macbook to the latest OS version (10.11 El Capitan) and it's been playing havoc with my pipeline. Mostly because it has effectively made the drivers of my Wacom drawing tablet completely redundant and it was causing a lot of trouble for people. 

My first work around was a flop, however, I've got a better workaround for now. With any luck, I can get back on track with actual work.

The Update

The tablet works again now. 

And The Paperwork

Seeing as most of my time this week was spent looking for a way around the driver problem, I spent a lot of time refining the visual style of the project starting with the characters. For Inspiration, I turned to my staple for fantasy visuals in games, Fable.

Redesigns for the Templar and the Viking.

In the end, this style works much better aesthetically than what I was using before. The silhouettes are much more defined and you can more easily see who they are as characters and how they will move and play in-game. The Templar is obviously more tanky than the Viking, so I (to quote an XCOM post mortem discussion at GDC) 'Chunkified' the armour and shield. The same thing was done to the Viking, just to his arms to emphasise his offensive playstyle.

TL;DR, it's looking much better than it was before.

Other than that, I got a quick rig done on the old Templar model using mixamo, which also has some basic animations that you can use. I haven't exported those yet, but I do have this one horror shot.

Just imagine he has a sword and shield and it'll be fine.

That's pretty much what's going on with this pipeline. It's had a couple of hiccups but it's still going.

Moving On

I know not much happened this sprint, but get some basic assets out for sprint 4.

To do in Sprint 4:
  1. Export basic Templar with Mixamo rig and animations so that some gameplay can get going.
  2. Work on basic environment assets for testing purposes (with substances attached)
  3. Some proper digital artwork for this project such as:
    1. Mood art to capture the feel of certain levels
    2. Character paints to help with the design of player characters and enemies

I figure I started out on the wrong foot getting back into this project out of the pantomime, that and hardware issues. The exporting of the basic stuff will give my partner, Alex, something to work with for actually building the game's core mechanics into something fun. I think what I need to really focus on this week is getting something out that I can easily build momentum from. 

Now that the hardware issues are behind me, I can actually start on getting something good out.

Also, I'll be posting extra drawings to my Facebook page so that it actually has some art on it rather than just being a signal boost for this blog so keep tabs on that.

See you in 2 weeks!

Monday, 6 June 2016

2 Months later

 Brushing Off The Dust

I know what you're thinking. That was the longest two weeks you've ever sat through waiting for an update. 

You're right, and I'm sorry it's been so long without an update.

I've been a busy guy lately and mostly none of it has been towards the project.

So instead of a sprint update, here's what I was busy with.

I'd Like to Talk to You About The Revengers Initiative

For those of you who don't know what a Pantomime is, the TL;DR version is that it is a play that usually parody fairytales and the audience is encouraged to heckle things like; "He's behind you!" or some other joke towards to cast on stage.

The Cast Shirts were great. The taglines on the back read "Heroes aren't Born...They're Cast." and "Revengers, Rassemble!"

The UWA Pantomime Society recently showed a pantomime about a group of supervillains called the Revengers and it was the most ambitious panto I've taken part in. This included something the Panto society had never done before, a short animated motion comic intro movie.

Due to time creeping up on everyone, we had a very short window to complete the entire thing.

Short as in 4 days.

All the assets were pre drawn thankfully. There was more that we wanted to add in but there was absolutely no time to get them in before the first show. We were already walking a knife's edge with the editing.

Credits for the intro vid for the art and editing collectively goes to Stuart Potts, Cam Michael Butler, Emily Archibald, and myself.
EDIT: Watch it here!

Slow Time To The Present

It's been a couple of weeks now since the panto and I've done at a handful of concepts to get myself back into the swing of work.

Hey look! It's the Templar again.

Believe it or not, I got the idea for this boss after watching a nature documentary.

Back On Track

I'm going to start up my sprints again. It's fair enough to say that my last sprint was a total flop so I'll start up from sprint 3. The major goals for this sprint will be:
  1.  To get the Templar rigged up and ready for animation.
  2.  Get some basic animations done for the Templar.
Other optional small goals include making basic equipment for the Templar like his shield and sword, and drawing up some more environment concepts to start fleshing out the feel of the world.

Rounding Off

I'll get back to posting updates every second sunday so then I can get myself back into the rhythm of designing again. The Revengers was a fantastic panto to be a part in but it did end up taking a very large chunk out of my time for the project. Now that the panto is well and truly out of the way (at least until next semester), I'll be devoting all the time needed to get something going for this project.

Sorry again for the hiatus and I'll see you in 2 weeks!
